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EYFS Maths Games

Average Rating4.26
(based on 27 reviews)

Experienced EYFS & primary teacher, SENCO delivering simple IWB maths games and resources to support teaching and learning in the Early Years and Key Stage 1. Reviews and suggestions for new games are most welcome.




Experienced EYFS & primary teacher, SENCO delivering simple IWB maths games and resources to support teaching and learning in the Early Years and Key Stage 1. Reviews and suggestions for new games are most welcome.
Subitising Snowmen

Subitising Snowmen

A FREE interactive whiteboard game designed in PowerPoint to support early subitising skills. Children are presented with varying arrangements of 4 or 5 snowmen. Children indicate how many snowmen they can see by clicking on the matching number digit card. This game is an ideal classroom starter to any mathematics session. Children learn to subitise (see an amount without counting) within 5 - a key early learning goal. This subitising game can be played during whole class teaching and learning and or as part of a small group adult-led session. This game fits well with WhiteRose Maths EYFS Spring Term Alive in 5 by targeting understanding of numbers within five. This resourse may also work well as an assessment tool to judge whether children can reliably subitise amounts within five. (32 slides in length and easily editable) If children in your class enjoy playing this game then please leave us a positive review. Please follow us on Twitter to find out about more our latest games @eyfsgames
Seeing Double - Domino Doubles

Seeing Double - Domino Doubles

A FREE interactive Maths game designed in PowerPoint to support teaching and learning of doubling numbers within 20. Children are invited to double each domino and “see the amount” and click on the matching number card. Varying doubles are presented. (This game is 18 slides in length). If you enjoy using this game to support teaching & learning then please leave us a positive review. You may also wish to follow us on Twitter @EyfsGames to hear about our latest FREE games. Many thanks.
How many pumpkins?

How many pumpkins?

A simple IWB maths game designed in PowerPoint to develop early number skills. Children compare the amounts of pumpkins shown in each ten-frame. This is a simple maths game to develop early mathematical vocabulary and understanding using the language of ‘fewer’ and ‘more’ pumpkins using a ten-frame. Children are presented with two ten-frame on each slide. Children are invited to identify and click on the ten-frame showing the most or fewest pumpkins. (23 slides in length). Additional challenge can be added by inviting children to consider how many pumpkins would be needed to be added or taken away to make both ten-frames show the same number of pumpkins. If you enjoy using this game to develop children’s early number skills then please leave us a positive review. Many thanks.
Counting in 2s - How many socks altogether?

Counting in 2s - How many socks altogether?

Counting in 2s is a simple interactive whiteboard game designed in Powerpoint to support children’s early number development. Children are invited to count the socks in 2s and click on the matching number card. Ideal for whole class teaching and learning. Links well with whiterose maths suggested activities for Summer Term planning for Yr 1 multiplication and counting in 2s. Try now - freely available. If you enjoy using this resource to support teaching and learning then please leave a positive review. You may also like to join our growing online community on Twitter @Eyfsgames to hear about our latest games.
Ten-Frame Seagulls

Ten-Frame Seagulls

An interactive maths game designed in Powerpoint to support the development of children’s early number skills. Children are invited to say how many seagulls they can see in the ten-frame. Children click on the matching number. This game works well as a simple maths starter to number bonds to 10. If you enjoy using this game with your class to support teaching and learning please leave us a positive review. You may wish to also follow us on Twitter @EyfsGames to hear about our latest games. Many thanks.
Ten-Frame Ladybirds

Ten-Frame Ladybirds

A simple interactive maths game designed in PowerPoint to support children’s early mathematical skills. Children are invited to say how many ladybirds they can see in the ten-frame and click on the matching numeral on the number track. This game supports early symbolic number recognition. 1 to 36 slides in length. If you enjoy using this game to develop children’s early mathematical skills please leave us a positive review. You may wish to follow us on Twitter @EyfsGames Many thanks.
Domino Making Ten

Domino Making Ten

A simple FREE interactive whiteboard maths game to support the development of children’s early number skills. Develops number knowledge and pairs of numbers to ten. Children are invited to subitise the spots on the domino from one to five (see how many without counting) and click on how many more spots makes ten. This game fits well with WhiteRose Maths Spring Term Unit planning Growing 6,7,8 and Building 9,10 (though is not endorsed) and supports conceptual subisiting skills - a key early learning goal in Reception. This interactive maths game can be used to introduce different ways of making amounts to ten. It can be an ideal introduction to independent learning activities and maths investigation, exploring domino patterns and different ways of making amounts to ten. For example, children can match and sort all the different ways of making ten and begin to create and design their own arrangements. This game is easily editable and 40 slides in length. This maths game can be played as a whole class or during small-group or 1-1 adult-led sessions. It could also be used to assess whether children are able to confidently recognise their number bonds to ten. If you enjoy using this FREE IWB Maths game with your class please give us a positive review. You may also like to join our growing online community on Twitter @EyfsGames to hear about our latest games. Share a positive review of our IWB Maths games on Twitter (or on TES) during the next six months and we can send you a game of your own choice to say thanks for all your support.
Growing Beans - Subitizing Cards from 1 to 6

Growing Beans - Subitizing Cards from 1 to 6

A set of 36 FREE Growing Beans themed subitizing cards showing different arrangements of 1 to 6 beans. These cards (6 per A4 sheet) can be printed off and laminated as part of whole class daily provision. An ideal resource for children in EYFS to practise subiziting and to explore different ways of arranging the beans, in patterns from one to six. Simple games to play with the cards: Subitizing - Pick a card and say the number of beans as fast as you can with a friend - how many can you do using a 1 minute timer? Matching and Grouping - Find all the matching pairs / arrangements showing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 beans as fast as you can Exploration - Explore all the different ways of arranging 1 to 6 beans Addition - Pick two cards - Find the total of the beans by count on from the largest number e.g., 5 + 2 = 7 beans Ordering - Order the beans cards from smallest to largest number (i.e., 1 to 6) and write the corresponding number digit
Poppy Day Playdough Mats

Poppy Day Playdough Mats

Ideal for supporting the development of early number skills. Invite the children to make 10 poppies from playdough and place them in the ten-frames. Can they match the number shown on each mat? A bundle of poppy Day Playdough Mats - ideal for practising numbers from 1 to 10. Make playdough/craft poppies and place them in the ten-frame.
Red Nose Day Counting Skills from 1 to 10

Red Nose Day Counting Skills from 1 to 10

A simple FREE interactive whiteboard game to support early counting skills with a Red Nose Day theme. Children count the number of red noses they can see and click on the matching number on the number track. Ideal for teaching number recognition from one to ten.
World Cup Football Ten-frame Counting Mats

World Cup Football Ten-frame Counting Mats

Celebrate the Football World Cup and get children engaged in learning numbers from 1 to 10 - Make Maths Learning Fun! Use these super counting ten-frame mats to develop children’s early number knowledge from 1 to 10. Children put the matching number of footballs in the goals. Extra Challenges might include: How many different ways can you put five goals in the net? Use different arrangements of five and other numbers. Add one more football and calculate how many footballs/goals altogether. If you use and like this FREE resource - Please leave a review and share this super activity on social media - Many thanks.
Pancake Day Play-dough Mat

Pancake Day Play-dough Mat

A multi-purpose Pancake Day themed play-dough mat that can be laminated to support the development of early counting and cardinality skills in the early years. Children can make play-dough pancakes and place them on each empty frying pan on the mat.Works well as a small group game and ideal for assessing number knowledge and cardinality. Also works well for show me one more / one less pancake.
Poppy Day Number Bonds to 10

Poppy Day Number Bonds to 10

A simple IWB game designed in powerpoint to develop children’s early knowledge of number bonds to 10. An ideal game to model number bonds to 10 using a ten-frame (various arrangements shown). Children are invited to count the poppies shown in the ten-frame and say how many more would be needed to make 10. The poppies are then added to the frame to make 10. Children could follow up this activity my making playdough / craft poppies and place them in ten-frames to show different ways of making 10. Editable content.
Chinese New Year Maths Subitising

Chinese New Year Maths Subitising

A simple Maths IWB game designed in Powerpoint to develop children’s early subitising skills with a Chinese New Year theme. Children are invited to subitise the amount of Chinese dragons they see on each slide (Are there 4 or 5 Chinese dragon heads?) and click on the matching symbolic number. This activity may work well as part of whole class teaching and learning or small guided group session. Children can all participate by subitising the dragon heads and by showing either 4 or 5 fingers to represent the spots on each slide. Children can use the IWB to click on the matching symbolic number digit to reveal the correct answer. Different arrangements of 4 and 5 Chinese dragon heads are shown on each slide. A super simple game to develop early subtising skills. Sixteen FREE Chinese New Year Dragon Head subistising cards are also included with this ITW game which can be printed and laminated and used for various subitising, counting and sorting activities. The cards can be used in multiple ways and can make an excellent investigation to explore the different ways of making four and five Chinese dragon heads. This IWB game links well with White Rose Maths Spring Term Unit Alive in 5! Learning to subitise numbers to five is a key early learning goal so this game can also provide a good assessment tool. (36 slides in length)
Ten-Frame Bonfire Night

Ten-Frame Bonfire Night

A simple FREE IWB game designed in Powerpoint to support children’s early number skills from 1 to 10 using a ten-frame. Children are invited to match the the number of rockets with the appropriate numeral on the number track. If they match the correct number then they see the rockets launch into the night sky. Although we should be encouraging children to see the number of rockets shown, counting down the rockets to launch is also great fun too. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, zero…blast off! This game supports number recognition from 1 to 10. The content is easily adaptable to form other arrangements within 10. If you enjoy using this resource then please leave a positive review. Post any positive review in the next six months and we will send you any game of your choice to say thanks for your support.
Queens Jubilee Celebration - Counting to 10

Queens Jubilee Celebration - Counting to 10

A simple counting game designed in Powerpoint using amounts from 1 to 10 for children in the early years and KS1. Children count the number of Jubilee related objects that appear in the ten frame and click on the correct number digit on the number track. For example, children count arrangements of crowns, flags, party hats, cakes…etc…from 1 to 10. Ideal for introducing Jubilee Celebration related vocabulary as well as reinforcing counting skills and one to one correspondence.
Counting Ten in the Bed

Counting Ten in the Bed

A simple interactive white board activity/maths game that is great for modelling counting back from 10, The slides are fully interactive and the activity links well with White Rose Spring term planning session 6 “Counting back from 10 - Ten in a Bed”. Children are presented with a variety of different cartoon animals in the bed and explore what would be one less by counting back from 10 using the Ten in a Bed nursery rhyme. Following this different numbers of animals are presented in the bed. Children need to count the number of animals in the bed and click on the matching digit card. Larger images of all the animals included in the Powerpoint are included at the end of the slides. These can be made into puppets which can be printed off and laminated for exploration in whole class provision or works well as a small group activity. Children can use their puppets to show how many animals are in the bed and practice counting back from 10.
Remembrance Day Maths

Remembrance Day Maths

A simple game to support children’s knowledge of number bonds to 10 with a Remembrance Day theme. Children count the red poppies and click on the correct digit on the number line that makes 10. For example, children are shown three poppies and asked how many more poppies would make 10. Children click on 7 to show that they know that 3 + 7 = 10. This resource could be used as part of whole class teaching. Children can draw the poppies on small whiteboards to reinforce their knowledge of number bonds to 10. As a follow up activity children could make 10 poppies using a variety of different materials and show their knowledge of number bonds to 10, by placing the poppies in different arrangements to match given calculations.
5-frames Comparing Amounts

5-frames Comparing Amounts

This is a simple IWB number comparison game designed in Powerpoint. Children are presented with two 5-frames with varying amounts of counters on each slide. Children need to click on the 5-frame showing the most or fewest counters. The game is 20 slides in length. This game links well with Whiterose Maths planning activities for Autumn term for EYFS. It provides is a good introduction for children to begin to develop their subitising, composition and number comparison skills using a 5-frame. An added challenge is to explore how many more counters would be needed to be added or taken away to make the amounts shown in the 5-frames the same. For example, “the amounts would be the same if we added (or subtracted) “X” amount of counters”. If you enjoy using this IWB game with your class, please let us know by leaving a positive review. Many thanks.
Counting 1 to 5 Poppy Day

Counting 1 to 5 Poppy Day

A simple interactive counting game, designed in Powepoint to support the development of children’s early number knowledge from 1 to 5. Children are presented with different amounts of poppies in the ten-frame. Children need to count the poppies in the ten-frame and identify and click the matching number digit card. Different ways of showing 2, 3, 4 and 5 are explored using the ten-frame. A great starter activity for use on the interactive whiteboard as part of whole class teaching and learning, exploring amounts from 1 to 5. Links well with WhiteRose planning and “5 Alive” unit in the Autumn term. Easily editable to build a greater level of challenge by introducing numbers beyond 5. The Powerpoint slides also include ten-frame templates showing poppy amounts from 1 to 5 in various arrangements. The ten-frames can be printed and laminated and are ideal for any follow up independent learning opportunities or directed small group work.